7 Axes

Because Another Political Test is Just What We Need!

What is the 7 axes test?

The 7 axes test is a political disposition test designed to measure how your politcal stances on individual issues will be affected by your foundational philosophical beliefs along 7 dimensions. In simple English, the 7 Axes Test measures your most basic political beliefs using 7 scales.

Well, what are the seven axes?

Collectively, they are designed to measure your political disposition. The seven axes are the scales which are measured by this test:

This axis measures how much you believe the government should involve itself in the economy. On the far left is Socialism, or complete state control. While, on the far right is Laissez-Faire, or complete market control.

This axis measures how you believe society should function. On the far left is Modernism, the belief that society should move towards a more advanced future. While, on the far right is Traditionalism, the belief that we should instill in society older culture, which is better than today's.

This axis measures how you believe society should be organized. On the far left is Egalitarianism, the belief in equality of outcome. Meanwhile, on the far right is Hierarchical, the belief in a stratified society, where class mobility is nonexistant.

This axis measures how you view morality. On the far left is Nihilism, the belief that morality is socially constructed and that morality doesn't really exist. On the far right is Objectivism, the belief that morality is strictly defined, consistant, and independant from opinion.

This axis measures how you believe people develop. On the far left is Environmentalism, the belief that most human traits arise as a result of environmental factors. Alternatively, on the far right is Hereditarianism, the belief that most human traits arise as a result of genetic factors.

This axis measures how you believe society is driven. On the far left is Materialism, the belief that society is driven by money and material needs. On the far right is Romanticism, the belief that society is driven by ideas and emotions.

This axis measures how you believe society develops. On the far left is Progressivism, the belief that society moves in a usually untravelled direction towards progress. On the far right is Cyclicism, the belief that society development follows cyclical patterns.

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